High performing teams don’t happen by accident.

They’re built that way.

Our experiential training & coaching give your team the connection, clarity and confidence they need to work better together. Every. Single. Day. In good times, and in shaky ones.

Want to find out more?

We help people centred leaders like you engage and retain their biggest asset: their people

Whether you’re going through a big transformation and want to make sure your folks are feeling aligned, or you’re thinking ahead and looking to level up your team’s skills, we’ve got the thing for you.

Build clearer alignment

91% of workers are looking to feel closer to their work colleagues according to a report by Slack. The pandemic and the intense workload of the last couple of years has left everyone feeling disconnected. Bring the whole team, or just the leadership team, together and reconnect on who you are, where you’re headed and how you’re going to get there.

Build better performance

Give your team the skills, behaviours and mindsets they need to work better together. Our training programmes are designed to improve communication, collaboration and creative problem solving across your entire team.

With plenty of practice in between sessions to flex those skills and let the good habits build better performance.

Build stronger leaders

Be it established leaders, new managers or your future rising stars, our coaching programmes are designed to help them level up their hard and soft skills, their confidence levels and their leadership style.
We care a little bit extra for neurodivergent folks, parents coming back to work, and women in leadership positions.

Say goodbye to boring slides, and say hello to hands on experiential training sessions

Our training and coaching sessions are not your standard slide-heavy, snooze fest inducing, sessions. We use our own proprietary methods inspired by LEGO® Serious Play® to encourage better communication, collaboration and creativity. Curious?

Lego Serious Play

We’re a big distributed team across many offices - NY SF MIA - so we don’t get many chances to hang out, get to know each other, share personal stories, or collaborate on a vision for how to make work 10X. This was so so special. Thanks for bringing your LEGO Serious Play work to our team. This was super fun and a valuable learning for us.

Maria, Director, Innovation & Design, Visa

Our people have delivered transformational briefs for exciting global brands


Hi, I’m Amale

I’m the founder of The Brick Coach.

I’ve spent the last 15 years helping clients navigate, and enjoy, change. Most of that time has been in strategy, innovation and digital transformation, in leadership and executive level roles. I’ve mobilised and led cross functional teams, and delivered transformational pieces of work for large global organisations. I am an ICF accredited executive coach, and a certified LEGO® Serious Play® facilitator.

I started The Brick Coach after working with (and in) too many organisations where people weren’t the primary focus. And I want to change that up, and help people-centred leaders (like you) build teams and organisations where humans want to belong.

And I’ve got a fantastic bunch of people helping me on that mission.

Some of our recent thinking

Are you a coach, facilitator or L&D professional?

We run public training courses to help you learn how to incorporate LEGO® Serious Play® in your own practice.

You don’t have to be accredited or certified, you just need to take a coaching approach to working with folks 1:1 or in teams.

If that’s you, then you might want to join us for our next training on March 20&21st. Fully interactive, online on Zoom, and running 12:30-17:30 UK time on both days.

Expect plenty of practice and experimentation!

We’d love to hear from you.

If you want to see what working together would look like, or if you have any other questions, drop us a note here or on hi@thebrick.coach